Welcome to The Healing Barn

The Healing Barn 501c3 Non-Profit Organization was started in 1999 when our family was looking for a horse for 4-H. The desire for one horse quickly turned into adding three horses to our family. Two of the horses we met while looking for a 4-H project were in need of a loving forever home. It was then that we started to realize how many horses were actually in need in our area.
So we started The Healing Barn with intentions to educate and help equine owners learn to better care for their animals. While that is possible at times, in most cases we work closely with the local Humane Societies to remove the horses from situations detrimental to their health and well being.
Corri Mayo, Nancy Swigart, Allen Wells & Rescue Joe

Once the horses are at our facility we work with veterinarians to provide traditional care. We also provide natural supplements as needed to improve the overall wellness of the animal. When possible these horses are placed into forever loving adoptive homes. However in some cases, the horses have extreme special needs that simply require more attention and care. The horses needing more specialized care stay as long as they need and in most cases live the remainder of their lives at The Healing Barn.

Your support through donations – monetary, essential supplies and volunteering – are what make this all possible. You are 100% a piece of this journey. We cannot thank you enough for helping support our mission!

2024 Be A Horse Hero Event Update

Our 2024 Be a Horse Hero Event was wildly successful!! Thank you to all of our volunteers and attendees this year!! What a great night!!!

We are already looking forward to planning another fun event in 2025 for you all, but for now we are incredibly grateful for all the support and will be enjoying some down time in the “off season”!!

Check back often for mini fundraisers to come and more information early next year for our 2025 Be a Horse Hero Event!!

A BIG Thank You to our 2024 Be a Horse Hero Even Corporate Sponsors

If you would also like to be an event or corporate sponsor please email Corri at corri@thehealingbarn.com for more information. Thank you.

2025 Calendar COMING SOON!

The Healing Barn operates solely on community support and our live events!  We appreciate your generosity and support for our cause always.  Know 100% of all donations are used directly for the care and housing of our rescued horses and donkeys.

Our volunteer, Sue Traver, was kind enough to capture some really great shots again this year to help create our 2025 calendar!! Availability coming soon!

You can help through PayPal here!
Barn Manager, Corri Mayo, and donkey Jack.

A great horse will change your life. The truly special ones will define it…”


Rescue George